where can i get tox?


The frontalis, also known as the forehead is the muscle that scrunches when you attempt to raise your eyebrows.

Treating this muscle can help change the shape of the brow but it does not create as much brow lift as crow's feet treatment can. Not everyone is a good candiate for forehead tox because it can lower the brows or worsen hooding in patients with excess upper eyelid tissue.

where can i get tox?


The glabella also known as the elevens, are the muscles that come together between the eyes when we furrow or make an angry face. 

This is the most common classic area we treat with neurotoxin because it is strongly associated with negative emotions. By treating this area, we can appear more positive and approachable.

where can i get tox?

crow's feet

The obicularis oculi muscle, also known as the crow's feet is the muscle that forms a sunburst around the eye and helps it contract. 

Having the crow's feet done can help open up the eye and lift the brow tail. This muscle is the one that most often creates a 'brow lift.' A small amount of tox can also be done under the eyes to reduce horizontal lines under the eyes that may occur when smiling.

where can i get tox?

lip flip / gummy tox

The Lip Flip is what we call the treatment for the lip muscle. This helps prevent it from hiding when smiling.

Gummy Tox is what we call when we inject the muscle between the lip and nose that is responsible for lip elevation.

Treating one or both can help change the shape of upper lip and creating a more linear smile that reduces gum show.

where can i get tox?

dao / chin tox

The DAO, also known as the depressor muscles or RBF (resting B-face muscle), are responsible for pulling down the corners of the mouth. 

The chin muscle can create dimples in the chin known as "orange peel chin."

Treating one or both can help reduce the downward pull of the lower-face, resulting is a more polished and even jawline.

where can i get tox?

bunny lines / nose

the nasalis muscle is the bunny line muscle. althought not often treated during intial tox treatments, it can be beneficial for certain people.

this muscle can become stronger over time if it compensates when smoother glabella (11s) is achieved after tox.

even when its treated, it doesn't often completely 'go away', however having it done can reduce diagonal lines across nose.

it depends, sometimes a lower dose is possible knowing that duration may not be optimal... but sometimes we can't go too low or else tox will look patchy and uneven. We often recommend a certain range for happy results.

What if I want to start lower?

Average longevity is 3-4 months (when dosed optimally) before muscles are back to baseline. Dosing optimally improves longevity, if dosed lower muscles will overcome dose quicker.

How often should i get tox?

If we are treating everywhere (face, neck and masseters) expect upwards of 85 units.

what is full face tox dose?

Depends on the amount of areas being treated. When the three most common areas are done (forehead, 11s, crow's feet) expect 30-50 units.

What is average tox dose?

Try at least once between 6-12 before your wedding to see if you like.  We recommend being treated five-six weeks before wedding for smooth, natural look results.

how long before my wedding?

Alcohol, blood thinners (if not required by your physician), vitamin E, fish-oil before appt.
Avoid laying down for 4 hours after and working out until the next day.

What to avoid before and after appt?